Thiadora Stormbringer

Race: Viera
Birthplace: Golmore Jungle
Age: 63
Class: Arcanist
Orientation: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
(Keep Scrolling for more)


Height: 5'10"
Eye Color: Citrine
Hair: Ebon Black | Reaches down to her waistline
Build: Slender | Lithe | Soft Curves


Thia is in general a very bubbly and friendly woman! She has been through much in her life, but somehow always manages to stay upbeat and positive about things.She can occasionally be a bit on the sassy or even bossy side; she can almost come across as "bitch-y" at times.


Esther Stormbringer - Mother(Living)
Verin Stormbringer - Father(Living)
Loras Stormbringer - Brother(Deceased)
Theodore Stormbringer - Son(Deceased)

Common Knowledge | RP Hooks:

If your character is a Viera or knows of any of the tribes in the Golmore Jungle they likely have heard rumors that Thiadora "abandoned" her tribe and traditions.Your character is welcome to inquire with her about it!More often than not, Thiadora can be found around the arcanist guild these days or even out and about fishing!

Screenshots | Artwork: